10 Radon Potential Indicators

  1. A new sewer back-flow valve has been installed.

  2. Cast iron sewer lines have been replaced under the concrete floor.

  3. The sewer line to the city property has been replaced.

  4. There are 1 or more sump pits with or without sump pumps.

  5. The floor in the basement is wooden.

  6. The concrete basement floor is badly cracked.

  7. The foundation and/or basement floor has been levelled by some jacking method. (Slab Jacking or Spray Foam)

  8. New weeping tile has been installed (either inside or outside the home).

  9. The basement walls are cracked.

  10. Home has a crawlspace.

These are the leading indicators that your home could test higher than Health Canada’s recommended risk levels. If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be at risk.

If you would like more information, please reach out to us by clicking the link below.